veterinary conferences

Exhibitions Details

World Veterinary Conference welcome to all exhibitors.

Exhibit your Products & Services

Exhibit your Products & Services in our Event of World Veterinary Conference. Exhibitors are welcomed from Commercial and Non-Commercial Organizations related to world Veterinary Conference.

  • Best platform to develop new partnership & collaborations.
  • Best location to speed up your route into every territory in the World.
  • Our exhibitor booths were visited 4-5 times by 80% of the attendees during the conference.
  • Network development with both Academia and Business.

Exhibitor benefits

  • Exhibit booth of Size-3X3 sqm.
  • Promotion of your logo/Company Name/Brand Name through the conference website.
  • Promotional video on company products during the conference (Post session and Breaks).
  • Logo recognition in the Scientific program, Conference banner and flyer.
  • One A4 flyer insert in the conference kit.
  • An opportunity to sponsor 1 Poster Presentation Award.

Quick Links

Call for paper

Call for Abstract/paper

Original Articles/papers are invited from Industry Persons, Scientist, Academician, Research Scholars, P.G. & U.G. Students for presentation in our International Conference. All articles/papers must be in MS-Word (.doc or .docx) format, including the title, authors name, affiliation of all authors, e-mail, abstract, keywords, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, and References.

Submit Abstract

The Candidates with eligibility can click the "Submit Paper/Abstract Now" button and fill up the online submission form and Submit it.

Abstract/Full Paper submission

Final/Full Paper submission is optional: If you don't want your abstract/full paper to be published in the Conference Abstracts & Proceedings CD (with ISBN number) and only want to present it at the conference, it is acceptable.

Page limit: There is a limit of 6-8 pages for a final/full paper. The additional page is chargeable.

Paper language: Final/Full papers should be in English.

Templates: "Final paper template," "Final abstract template"

All the final papers should be uploaded to the website online system according to "the final paper template" as word doc. or docx since this will be the camera-ready published version. Please note that final papers that are not uploaded to the online System as a word doc./docx after the opening of final paper submissions according to the template above will not be published in the CONFERENCE Abstracts & Proceedings CD (with ISBN number)

Journal Publication

Journal Publication

All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published in one of the Pencis journals.


Registration Procedure

  • Click the “Register Now” button at the conference page and enter your Submission ID in the Search Box
  • Your Submissions will be listed in that page. You can find the Register Now link beside your submission. Click the link, and now you will be redirected to the Conference registration form where you can make your registration using credit/debit cards
  • The Fee charged for E-Poster is to display the E-Posters only on Website.The Abstract will be published in conference proceeding book.

Registration Types

Speaker Registration

  • Access to all event Session
  • Certificate of Presentation
  • Handbook
  • Conference Kit
  • Tea, Coffee & Snack,
  • Lunch during the Conference
  • Publication of Abstract /Full Paper at the Conference Proceedings Book
  • Opportunity to give a Keynote/ Poster Presentations/ Plenary/ Workshop
  • Opportunity to publish your Abstract in any of our esteemed Journals discounted rate
  • Opportunity to publish your full article in our open access book with a discounted rate
  • One to One Expert Forums

Delegate (Participant) Registration

  • Access to all Event Sessions
  • Participation Certificate
  • Handbook
  • Conference Kit
  • Tea, Coffee & Snack,
  • Lunch during the Conference
  • Delegates are not allowed to present

Poster Registration

  • Includes all the above Registration Benefits
  • You will have to bring your Posters to the Conference Venue
  • Best poster award memento and certificate on stage.

Poster Guidelines

  • Poster should be 1×1 m Size.
  • The title, contents, text, and the author’s information should be visible.
  • Present numerical data in the form of graphs rather than tables.
  • Figures make trends in the data much more evident.
  • Avoid submitting high word count posters.
  • Poster contains, e.g., Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and Literature.

Research Forum (Awards)

  • Includes all the above Registration Benefits.
  • The attendee should be required age limit.
  • Award memento and certificate on stage.

E-Poster Presentation

  • The amount charged for E-Posters is to display the E-Posters only on the website
  • The presenter will get an e-poster participation certificate as a soft copy
  • The abstract will be published in the particular journal and also in the conference proceeding book
  • The presenter is not required to be present in person at the Conference

Video Presentation

  • The amount charged for Video Presentation is to display the Presentation at the Conference.
  • The presenter will get Video participation certificate as a soft copy
  • The abstract will be published in the particular journal and also in the conference proceeding book
  • The presenter is not required to be present in person at the Conference

Accompanying Person

  • Accompanying Persons are those who attend the participants at the Conference who may be either a spouse/family partner or a son/daughter and must register under this category.
  • Please note that business partners do not qualify as Accompanying Persons and are not allowed to register as an Accompanying Person.

Committee Members

Conference Awards

Instructions for submission

If you want to submit only your Abstract

  • If you want to publish only your abstract (it is also optional) in the CONFERENCE Abstracts & Proceedings CD (with ISBN number), upload your abstract again according to the final abstract template as word doc. or docx.
  • If you also don't want your abstract to be published in the CONFERENCE Abstracts & Proceedings CD (with an ISBN number) and only want to present it at the conference, it is also acceptable

How to Submit your Abstract / Full Paper

Please read the instructions below then submit your Abstract/ Full Paper (or just final abstract) via online conference system:

  • STEP 1: Please download the Abstract /Final Paper Template and submit your final paper exactly according to the template: Veterinary conferences Final Paper Template in word format (.doc /.docx). See a final abstract template formatted according to the template.
  • STEP 2: Please assure that Abstract/ full paper follows exactly the format and template as described in the final paper template document below since this will be the camera ready published version. All final papers should be written only in English and “word document" as .doc or. docx format.
  • STEP 3: You can submit your final paper(s) to the online conference system only by uploading/ Re-submission your current submission.
  • STEP 4: After logging/using submission ID in the online conference system, click on "Re-submission" link at the bottom of the page.
  • STEP 5: After "Re submission page" opens, upload your abstract/ final paper (it should be MS word document -doc. or docx-).

General Information

  • Dress Code: Participants have to wear the formal dress. There are no restrictions Color or design. Audience attending only the ceremony can wear clothing of their own choice.
  • Certificate Distribution: Each presenter name will be called & asked to collect their certificate on the Stage with an official photographer to capture the moments.


Sponsorship Details

Veterinary conferences warmly invite you to sponsor or exhibit of International Conference. We expect participants of more than 200 numbers for our International conference will provide an opportunity to hear and meet/ads to Researchers, Practitioners, and Business Professionals to share expertise, foster collaborations, and assess rising innovations across the world in the core area of mechanical engineering.

Diamond Sponsorship

  1. Acknowledgment during the opening of the conference
  2. Complimentary Booth of size 10 meters square
  3. Four (4) delegate’s complimentary registrations with lunch
  4. Include marketing document in the delegate pack
  5. Logo on Conference website, Banners, Backdrop, and conference proceedings
  6. One exhibition stand (1×1 meters) for the conference
  7. One full cover page size ad in conference proceedings
  8. Opportunities for Short speech at events
  9. Opportunity to sponsors conference kit
  10. Opportunity to sponsors conference lanyards, ID cards
  11. Opportunity to sponsors conference lunch
  12. Recognition on video ads
  13. 150-word company profile and contact details in the delegate pack

Platinum Sponsorship

  1. Three (3) delegate’s complimentary registrations with lunch
  2. Recognition on video ads
  3. Opportunity to sponsors conference lunch
  4. Opportunity to sponsors conference lanyards, ID cards
  5. Opportunity to sponsors conference kit
  6. Opportunities for Short speech at events
  7. One full page size ad in conference proceedings
  8. One exhibition stand (1×1 meters) for the conference
  9. Logo on Conference website, Banners, Backdrop, and conference proceedings
  10. Include marketing document in the delegate pack
  11. Complimentary Booth of size 10 meters square
  12. Acknowledgement during the opening of the conference
  13. 100-word company profile and contact details in the delegate pack

Gold Sponsorship

  1. Two (2) delegate’s complimentary registrations with lunch
  2. Opportunities for Short speech at events
  3. Logo on Conference website, Banners, Backdrop, and conference proceedings
  4. Include marketing document in the delegate pack
  5. Complimentary Booth of size 10 meters square
  6. Acknowledgement during the opening of the conference
  7. 100-word company profile and contact details in the delegate pack
  8. ½ page size ad in conference proceedings

Silver Sponsorship

  1. Acknowledgement during the opening of the conference
  2. One(1) delegate’s complimentary registrations with lunch
  3. Include marketing document in the delegate pack
  4. Logo on Conference website, Banners, Backdrop, and conference proceedings
  5. ¼ page size ad in conference proceedings
  6. 100 word company profile and contact details in the delegate pack

Individual Sponsorship

  1. Acknowledgement during the opening of the conference
  2. One(1) delegate’s complimentary registrations with lunch

Registration Fees

Details Registration fees
Diamond Sponsorship USD 2999
Platinum Sponsorship USD 2499
Gold Sponsorship USD 1999
Silver Sponsorship USD 1499
Individual Sponsorship USD 999


Exhibitions Deatils

Exhibit your Products & Services

Exhibit your Products & Services in Veterinary conferences. Exhibitors are welcomed from Commercial and Non-Commercial Organizations related to a conference title.

  • The best platform to develop new partnerships & collaborations.
  • Best location to speed up your route into every territory in the World.
  • Our exhibitor booths were visited 4-5 times by 80% of the attendees during the conference.
  • Network development with both Academia and Business.

Exhibitor Benefits

  • Exhibit booth of Size-3X3 sqm.
  • Promotion of your logo/Company Name/Brand Name through the conference website.
  • Promotional video on company products during the conference (Post session and Breaks).
  • Logo recognition in the Scientific program, Conference banner, and flyer.
  • One A4 flyer inserts in the conference kit.
  • An opportunity to sponsor 1 Poster Presentation Award.